About us

Facilitated Research was formed in May 2016 to help those in the Water Industry identify what they needed in the future and subsequently help them meet this need.

It also recognises that it is increasingly difficult to resource all innovation activity 'in house', with Facilitated Research being particularly adept at working with you to deliver to your requirement.  This includes technical evaluation and project management of trials with a full report writing and presentation production and delivery service also available

Facilitated Research can help you realise the enormous opportunities arising in the near and distant future from the Water Framework Directive (a market estimated to be worth up to £30bn in the UK alone) through to the deregulation of the UK Water Market (with sludge deregulation alone estimated to be worth up to £2bn), and

the 'future coming' issues such as microplastics and energy from waste.

Facilitated Research has dedicated and knowledgable experts which can help you identify opportunities in virtually any area or market.

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